Erothotsporn.com is not a producer (primary or secondary) of any and all of the content found on the website (Erothotsporn.com). With respect to the records as per 18 USC 2257 for any and all content found on this site, please kindly direct your request to the site for which the content was produced.


Erothotsporn.com is a video sharing site in which allows for the uploading, sharing and general viewing of various types of adult content and while Erothotsporn.com does the best it can with verifying compliance, it may not be 100% accurate.


Erothotsporn.com abides by the following strict compliance procedures regarding uploaded content:


1.Requiring all users to be 18 years of age to upload videos.


2.When uploading, user must verify the content; assure he/she is 18 years of age; certify that he/she keeps records of the models in the content and that they are over 18 years of age.


Any content that we are notified of as being inappropriate, illegal, unlawful, harassing, offensive or otherwise objectionable may be removed by us, therefore we ask users to flag any such content by e-mailing us or clicking the appropriate link on the content’s webpage.


We undertake the following procedures in order to ensure compliance with § 2257: (1) we require that all users, both those only accessing the website and those uploading content, to be at least 18 years of age or the age of majority in their jurisdiction (if higher); and (2) we require that all users uploading content onto the website to represent and warrant that they have complied with § 2257, including by ensuring that all persons appearing in the content are over the age of 18, that they have consented to the use of their likeness and that the user uploading the work is keeping records in compliance with § 2257.


In connection with any content on this website for which the website operator is deemed to be the producer (primary or secondary) pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 2257 and 28 CFR § 75, such depictions are exempt from the provisions of 18 U.S.C. § 2257 and 28 CFR § 75 because, inter alia, they do not portray actual sexually explicit content.